

The LayeredFile class is the main class for interacting with photoshop files as it abstracts away the implementation of the underlying data structures and provides a simple to use interface over a generic image file with layers. Below we only document the LayeredFile_8bit as well as the helper class for construction LayeredFile but there is one class for each bit-depth noted in psapi.enum.BitDepth (LayeredFile_16bit and LayeredFile_32bit respectively).

The function signature for all of these is the same as with the 8-bit instance.

To get started with using the LayeredFile instance for reading/writing files check the two methods below. The “Simple” example allows for the reading of a LayeredFile with a single line of code and will return one of the three bit depths types for files.

The “Extended” example on the other hand shows essentially what the method is doing under the hood.

import psapi

file_path = "Path/To/File.psb"
# This is a wrapper over the different LayeredFile_*bit types and will actually return the
# appropriate type depending on the file itself
layered_file =

# it is however important to note that the layered_file variable will be one of 3 types
# LayeredFile_8bit | LayeredFile_16bit | LayeredFile_32bit

# modify the layered_file...

import psapi

file_path = "Path/To/File.psb"
bit_depth: psapi.enum.BitDepth = psapi.PhotoshopFile.find_bitdepth(file_path)
layered_file = None

if bit_depth == psapi.enum.BitDepth.bd_8:
   layered_file =
elif bit_depth == psapi.enum.BitDepth.bd_16:
   layered_file =
elif bit_depth == psapi.enum.BitDepth.bd_32:
   layered_file =

if not layered_file:
   raise RuntimeError("Unable to deduce LayeredFile bit-depth")

# modify the layered_file...


The reasoning behind the LayeredFile being split up between bit-depths is due to the templated nature of the C++ classes. We try to provide convenience wrappers such as psapi.LayeredFile to simplify the usage and typing of these as much as possible

Layer Type Derivatives#

Below you can find a list of layers that one is able to add to the LayeredFile instance.

Layer Types:

Class Reference LayeredFile#

class psapi.LayeredFile#

A wrapper class for the different LayeredFile subtypes that we can call read() on to return the appropriate LayeredFile instance.


The psapi.LayeredFile class’ only job is to simplify the read of a LayeredFile_*bit from disk with automatic type deduction. It does not however hold any of the data itself.

static read(path: os.PathLike) psapi.LayeredFile_8bit | psapi.LayeredFile_16bit | psapi.LayeredFile_32bit#

Read a layeredfile into the appropriate type based on the actual bit-depth of the document


path (str) – The path to the Photoshop file

Return type:

psapi.LayeredFile_8bit | psapi.LayeredFile_16bit | psapi.LayeredFile_32bit

class psapi.LayeredFile_8bit#

This class defines a layered file structure, where each file contains a hierarchy of layers. Layers can be grouped and organized within this structure.


Property for setting and retrieving the ICC profile attached to the file. This does not do any color conversions but simply tells photoshop how to interpret the data. The assignment is overloaded such that you need to pass a path to the ICC file you want to load and loading will be done internally.


Write-only property which sets the compression of all the layers in the LayeredFile


Read-only property to retrieve the number of channels from the file (excludes mask channels)


Read-only property to retrieve the bit-depth


Read-only property to retrieve a list of all the layers in the root of the file


The document DPI settings


The width of the document, must not exceed 30,000 for PSD or 300,000 for PSB


The height of the document, must not exceed 30,000 for PSD or 300,000 for PSB

__getitem__(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, name: str) psapi.Layer_8bit#

Get the specified layer from the root of the layered file. Unlike find_layer() this does not accept a path but rather a single layer located in the root layer. This is to make chaining of paths more pythonic since group layers also implement a __getitem__ function

layered_file: LayeredFile_*bit = # Our layered file instance
nested_img_layer = layered_file["Group"]["Image"]

name (str) – The name of the layer to search for


KeyError: If the requested layer is not found


The requested layer instance

add_layer(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, layer: psapi.Layer_8bit) None#
find_layer(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, path: str) psapi.Layer_8bit#

Find a layer based on the given path


path (str) – The path to the requested layer


The requested layer


ValueError: If the path is not a valid path to a layer

is_layer_in_document(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, layer: psapi.Layer_8bit) bool#

Check if the layer already exists in the LayeredFile at any level of nesting, this check is done internally on add_layer().

move_layer(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. move_layer(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, child: psapi.Layer_8bit, parent: psapi.Layer_8bit = None) -> None

    Move the child layer to the provided parent layer, if none is provided we move to scene root instead

  2. move_layer(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, child: str, parent: str = ‘’) -> None

static read(path: os.PathLike) psapi.LayeredFile_8bit#

Read and create a LayeredFile from disk. If the bit depth isnt known ahead of time use instead which will return the appropriate type

remove_layer(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. remove_layer(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, layer: psapi.Layer_8bit) -> None

    Remove the specified layer from root of the layered_file, if you instead wish to remove from a group call remove_layer on a GroupLayer_*bit instance instead

  2. remove_layer(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, layer: str) -> None

write(self: psapi.LayeredFile_8bit, path: os.PathLike, force_overwrite: bool = True) None#

Write the LayeredFile_*bit instance to disk invalidating the data, after this point trying to use the instance is undefined behaviour.

  • path (os.PathLike) – The path of the output file, must have a .psd or .psb extension. Conversion between these two types is taken care of internally

  • force_overwrite (bool) – Defaults to True, whether to forcefully overwrite the file if it exists. if False the write-op fails and emits an error message