
Logging Enums#

enum class Enum::Severity#


enumerator Info#
enumerator Warning#
enumerator Error#
enumerator Debug#
enumerator Profile#

Photoshop File Header Enums#

While Photoshop calls this “Version”, this simply describes what data we are writing out and internally changes some offsets and sizes accordingly.

enum class Enum::Version#


enumerator Psd#
enumerator Psb#

All the Bit depths of Photoshop, when using the API you will rarely need to interact with these unless modifying the PhotoshopFile struct directly. Usually you will use template arguments with Bit Depth Type aliases template arguments

enum class Enum::BitDepth#


enumerator BD_1#
enumerator BD_8#
enumerator BD_16#
enumerator BD_32#

The color modes Photoshop is able to read, currently only RGB is fully supported

enum class Enum::ColorMode#


enumerator Bitmap#
enumerator Grayscale#
enumerator Indexed#
enumerator RGB#
enumerator CMYK#
enumerator Multichannel#
enumerator Duotone#
enumerator Lab#

Layer Enums#

Channel IDs for channels of an individual layer. These, or logical indices, can be used to uniquely identify a layer. For more information visit ImageLayer

enum class Enum::ChannelID#


enumerator Red#

Channel 0 in RGB Mode.

enumerator Green#

Channel 1 in RGB Mode.

enumerator Blue#

Channel 2 in RGB Mode.

enumerator Cyan#

Channel 0 in CMYK Mode.

enumerator Magenta#

Channel 1 in CMYK Mode.

enumerator Yellow#

Channel 2 in CMYK Mode.

enumerator Black#

Channel 3 in CMYK Mode.

enumerator Gray#

Channel 0 in Grayscale Mode.

enumerator Custom#

Any other channel.

enumerator Alpha#

Alpha Channel.

enumerator UserSuppliedLayerMask#

Pixel Mask or Vector Mask.

enumerator RealUserSuppliedLayerMask#

Vector and Pixel mask combined.

The Blend Modes we are able to write out using the PhotoshopAPI, these match the ones present in Photoshop

enum class Enum::BlendMode#


enumerator Passthrough#

Only available on group layers.

enumerator Normal#
enumerator Dissolve#
enumerator Darken#
enumerator Multiply#
enumerator ColorBurn#
enumerator LinearBurn#
enumerator DarkerColor#
enumerator Lighten#
enumerator Screen#
enumerator ColorDodge#
enumerator LinearDodge#
enumerator LighterColor#
enumerator Overlay#
enumerator SoftLight#
enumerator HardLight#
enumerator VividLight#
enumerator LinearLight#
enumerator PinLight#
enumerator HardMix#
enumerator Difference#
enumerator Exclusion#
enumerator Subtract#
enumerator Divide#
enumerator Hue#
enumerator Saturation#
enumerator Color#
enumerator Luminosity#

A listing of all the available compression types in the PhotoshopAPI. For more information on how these compression codecs work internally please visit Concept: Compression Codecs

enum class Enum::Compression#


enumerator Raw#

Raw bytes with no compression.

enumerator Rle#

Run-length encoded data using the PackBits algorithm.

enumerator Zip#

Regular ZIP compression.

enumerator ZipPrediction#

ZIP compression with the difference encoded per scanline.